Hubski- better than pizza I haven't donated yet, thanks for the reminder. I'll have it raining singles on Hubski like a freeway toll both in Las Vegas. Also, thenewgreen and mk, have you considered a monthly donation/subscription-y automatic-y option for people to allocate however much they may like to the site from their credit cards? 2 bucks a month from 10 people and youre 10% of the way to your goal.
I have, but thenewgreen thinks it's too corporate.Also, thenewgreen and mk, have you considered a monthly donation/subscription-y automatic-y option for people to allocate however much they may like to the site from their credit cards?
Hahahahahah! Anyone that knows me on this website should know right away that this comment smells fishy. I'm a huge, huge YOOGE proponent of us having recurrent monthly billing set up. Please make it happen, I think we would see a dramatic increase in support. I do it for NPR
Dunno about you, but the use of the word "cisgender" in a sentence tells me that this article isn't for me. If I have to perform the mental aerobics necessary to configure myself to the opposite of transgender, I can safely assume that the article was written for a different audience.
Yes, it is Nigel, David and Derek, and it is amazing. Even just the opening when the menu is loading is hysterical. It's the only commentary I've ever seen that's probably as good as the movie itself (which obviously says a lot, because the movie is that god to being with).
I think it was either ButterflyEffect or flagamuffin (or perhaps both) that posted or discussed Cat Steven's new album "The Laughing Tree," and I've been listening to it over and over. I love it.
My wife is scheduled to go in to induce labor in like.. 8 hours. I can't sleep. I feel woefully unprepared for what's about to happen. I have been home, in my own house for almost a week and it feels odd. I have become accustomed to travel and most notably, I have become used to being in the Bay Area. I miss it. I'm nervous about the baby. We have two, healthy and beautiful kids. I'm afraid we are tempting fate. My wife is pretty amazing. She's full term and still taking the dog on hour long hikes. She beat me in a basketball game of "P.I.G" yesterday. Plus, by all accounts she is running our household these days. She's a badass. Anyways, I can't sleep but I should at least try. Wish us luck, Hubski! At least I won't be delivering this one, like I did last time:
I wish news outlets were more responsible in how they reported these things. People do this because they want to go out in a blaze of attention, they want the spectacle. I don't think journalists can say that on the one hand their reporting has an effect on the world (which of course it does), but then say that how they report things doesn't matter. They can explain what matters, i.e. how many shooters there were and whether they were motivated by a cause or just illness, but they don't have to show every detail, and allow the killer to find the glory that is sought.
Like how the Washington post created a goddamn scoreboard?